Most of the purchasers depend on bank loan when they buy real estates because of a large amount of money, so there inevitably comes to arise a mutual connection between real estate price and bank loan. As the safety of real estate market is closely related with bank soundness; after classifying Chinese real estate areas into 4 parts, that is, the area of property boom, development, potential development and underdevelopment and analyzing the correlation between real estate price and bank loan, this paper is trying to draw a conclusion that a detailed policy right in each area must be followed. To analyze the relation between real estate price and bank loan according to the development level, classifying Chinese 30 provinces. The period analysis of this paper is classified as whole period(the 1st quarter of 2004∼the 1st quarter of 2014), before the financial crisis and after the financial crisis. This paper analyzed long-term relationship through the verification of cointegration and the causal relationship between real estate price and bank loan through the model of VAR. According to the result, real estate price and bank loan have a long-term correlationship and they have the plus correlationship in all the analysis regions during the analysis periods, and the coefficient value becomes smaller gradually from the area of property boom to underdevelopment area. It proves that the more real estate market develops, the closer their relationship is.